
28 Ocak 2014 Salı

Hassan Abboud's Announcement about ISIS

The Translation of Mr. Hassan Abboud's Announcement about the Events In Syria and "Umma’s Initiation"

ARABIC RECORDING: http://youtu.be/RYa7MnqeqsI
ARABIC TEXT: http://justpaste.it/e8ls

In the name of Allah the most Gracious and the most Merciful

All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and mercy of Him be upon His messenger, Muhammad, the Imam of all Mujahedeen, and mercy be upon the prophet’s relatives, his companions and all those who follow his tradition until the Judgment Day.

We were patient in issuing a statement about the last events in northern and eastern Syria in order to give enough time to the people of reform to do their best and fix the situation before it becomes more critical, especially after a period dominated by fatwas of excommunication and apostasy, declarations of war from several parties, and involving the country in a war that Jihad is its first loser.

Since the series of trespassing on us from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) started, we in the Islamic Movement of Ahrar Al-Sham and the Islamic Front have done all our efforts to contain the hard situation and try to prevent any escalation in any link of this long series. We have always called them [ISIS] to accept the Islamic Sharia as a judge between us, and to accept the initiations of the known Islamic Sheikhs: as happened in the cases of kidnapping and killing the responsible of aids in our Movement Abu Obayda Al-Binshi, beheading the Mujahid brother Muhammad Fares, taking over Maskanah city, extorting our headquarters and robbing our properties, arresting and torturing our Mujahedeen and then killing the leaders of them after torturing them and mutilating their corpses afterwards like in the case of doctor Abu Rayyan (Allah’s mercy be upon them all); not to mention the malignity and injustice that came from them when we shared with them some battles against the Assad regime, as if it was meant to drag us into battling with them by all means.

The spark of the last events started when the armed groups decided to prevent the supporting convoys from reaching Al-Atareb city and the regiment 46 in order not to agitate the killing among the unarmed Muslims who were sleeping with artillery and tanks shelling upon their heads; we were trying not to let any party trespass on another in the other districts, but we were shocked by the unjust escalation campaign of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham against us- which was based on a wrong interpretation of our intentions, their whims, and based on not caring if they oppress or trespass on other Muslims or not. Their campaign affected even the Muslim Mujahedeen who were heading towards Aleppo: they were taken as prisoners by ISIS and their weapons were confiscated. Furthermore, ISIS attacked our headquarters, held control of our weapons and properties, killed our prisoners who rejected to fight them when they were attacked because of their belief in Allah (as in the case of Al-Raqqa city), repealed the covenants between us like in Ma’dan and other places; and after that their bomb cars unjustly started to blow up our headquarters and checkpoints in Deir Ezzor, Idleb and Aleppo. This was happening at times in which we opened our strongholds to be a refuge for those of them who fled and came to us avoiding to shed any Muslim blood.

Moreover, they started to tell lies about the situation saying that people of al-Sham turned against the Muhajireen who came for the sake of Jihad and for helping them; and they invented fake stories of how we trespassed on their women in order to agitate the feelings of those who had not made their minds yet about the issue of fighting other Mujahedeen. In fact, the Muhajireen know well how the people of al-Sham (including our Movement) love them; those people became happy when the Muhajireen-who are the best of human beings- came for help and they saw in their coming a first step of achieving victory;  our people became their loving families, and opened their hearts for them before their houses; they wed them their daughters and exchanged love with them until the Satan played his role: some people started to sow dissension among the Muhajireen and the people of al-Sham, seeking for dividing our ranks to tear the bond between the brothers using the tools of lying and agitating people’s feelings through telling false stories of kidnapping and raping our innocent sisters by hands of apostates and Sahawats (they mean us); ISIS lied in all that and claimed that they are performing Allah’s commands. Allah, be He exalted, says: “They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the verses of Allah, and it is those who are the liars.”

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, warned against this when he said, “Do not you ever lie, for lying leads to dissoluteness, and dissoluteness leads to the hellfire.” It is worth mentioning that most of the lies they said have been denied by several of the Muhajireen, like Sheikh Muhaysini, the Khurasanians and others; it is sufficient to prove that they are telling lies when Al-Anbari (the second man in the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham after Al-Baghdadi) has left hundreds of women and children under the roof of the Mujahedeen of Ahrar Al-Sham because he knew well these lies.

It is known here in Syria that we consider the Muhajireen as beloved brothers and we prioritize their lives over ours; we are willing to be their defenders and helpers in case any party wanted to harm them. Besides, in case there is one isolated occasion or two of trespassing from people who are no more than secret hands of the Assad regime and who become active only in times of chaos and disorder that we have no role in it, then no one should be more respectful for the honor of our innocent sisters (the Muhajireen’s wives) than us: for we declared from the very beginning that the hand that tries to harm Muslims’ honor would be dealt with in fire and steal; thanks to our brothers in Idleb and Aleppo as they defended our sisters there amid the chaos and fighting and facilitated their escape into a safe place: this refutes the propaganda of the liars as well.

As for the Muhajireen who were misled and chose to fight Muslim Mujahedeen, they hasted themselves to Allah’s hellfire when they started to blow up other Mujahedeen’s headquarters; we say to those people: did not you read Allah’s serious threatening to the people who haste to declare other believers as apostates and disbelievers when He said: “O you who have believed, when you go forth [to fight] in the cause of Allah, investigate; and do not say to one who gives you [a greeting of] peace "You are not a believer," aspiring for the goods of worldly life; for with Allah are many acquisitions. You [yourselves] were like that before; then Allah conferred His favor upon you, so investigate. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted”?

Your interpretations will not help you in the Judgment Day, neither your adherence to the misleading fatwas of your Sharia scholars who have the tendency of declaring other Muslims as apostates so easily, which is a characteristic never found in a Muslim before. Again and again, we invite them [ISIS] to accept holding discussion meetings between our scholars and theirs concerning the new fatwas they invented in Islam. To the one who is drowned in the blood of innocent Muslims: it will not be useful to you in the Judgment Day your excuse that you were only abiding by the orders of your leaders; for every followed person you exceed the Islamic limits in following him then he is a Taghut you die for his case, as Ibn Al-Quayyim mentioned (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) when he meditated in Allah’s following words, “[And they should consider that] when those who have been followed disassociate themselves from those who followed [them], and they [all] see the punishment, and cut off from them are the ties [of relationship], Those who followed will say, "If only we had another turn [at worldly life] so we could disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us." Thus will Allah show them their deeds as regrets upon them. And they are never to emerge from the Fire.” Then, go back to the right path under Allah’s mercy, and know that the real Jihad now is in fighting the enemy that is trying to destroy Islam and Muslim’s lives: nothing is more important now than repelling the oppressor; you may find in your brothers who knew this fact and adhered to it a good example to follow.

To my brothers in the Islamic Movement of Ahrar Al-Sham, my companions in the way of Jihad who work to achieve its project, I say: you are the free people of al-Sham and its guards; you are people of a strong will; you are the lions of monotheism; you are the knights of the fields; squares, checkpoints and airports of Assad regime have witnessed your unparalleled fighting; the land that is watered by the blood of thousand martyrs of your best members witnesses that you were great at the hard times, and that you were firmed people in the hard battles; you severely damaged Allah’s enemies from the Nusayris and Rafidis; you sacrificed yourselves and your money and time to make Allah’s commands as top priority and to help the weak in the land of al-Sham (as we think of you). Allah, be He exalted, has wanted to vary the kinds of suffering upon you, like the injustice that fell upon you from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham: those people unfairly killed and arrested some Mujahedeen of you, and took the main thing that helps in Jihad now: your weapons, ammunition and headquarters; then they sent upon you their bomb cars led by people who thought that they came to the Jihad to fight Nusayris, but it ended with them dying among parts of MUJAHEDEEN’S bodies, Mujahedeen who worship only Allah; those will meet Allah as people who committed suicides, people who wronged themselves, and people who were misled by wrong fatwas of takfeer [declaring other people as apostates] by some of their scholars and leaders without any evidence from the Holy Quran.

Consequently, at first we say that Allah’s religion is clear of such deeds, and His Sharia is freed from them. We swear by Allah that the very act of relating such deeds to Islam is more painful to us than bombing and killing us, justifying that by their own understanding of Sharia; we started our Jihad for the sake of defending Islam and Muslims in the first place, and to apply Allah’s commands in our land; it hurts us a lot that the repulsion of that comes from such deeds of ISIS.

Second, we declare ourselves as unjustly treated and betrayed without any proof of our wrong position; Allah, be He exalted, says: “Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.” He also says, “And whoever avenges himself after having been wronged - those have not upon them any cause [for blame].The cause is only against the ones who wrong the people and tyrannize upon the earth without right. Those will have a painful punishment.” Thus, in the Islamic Sharia the oppressed and wronged persons have the right to defend themselves and face the oppressor’s tyranny; and because we are fighting to lift the oppression on people, we do not accept it on ourselves, and we do not accept that we oppress any party as well. We do not accept that additional oppression is falling upon the unfortunate Muslim people who were attacked by the spears of Nusayris and Rafidis, and who were bitten by painful wounds, hunger, sickness and displacement until they became exhausted. We swear by Allah that we will not accept any oppression to fall upon them, neither from disbelievers nor from Muslims, near or far, and we promised Allah of this; and because we surrendered ourselves to Allah we do not care if we die on the hands of disbelievers or perfidious oppressors; for our rewards are preserved with Allah when we are patient and have the right intentions.

Third, despite all the painful wounds and traitorous stabs, we will do our best to keep our weapons directed to the Assad regime in the first place, seeking to overthrow it and fold the page of its oppression and tyranny in order to establish a country dominated by Islam and justice, a country where Allah’s commands are the top priority.

We will try to avoid any distractions that keep us away from fighting the Assad regime; we will try to avert any stabs from the people of oppression by not reacting against them, even if they hurt us and cause a lot of pain; we will prioritize Muslims safety, their honor, and toppling the regime over revenge. However, we clearly say that we will NOT accept any oppression that prolongs the life of the regime or eases the pressure upon it leading to refresh its strength after it became so weak!

The type of oppression we may bear is the oppression that DOES NOT HINDER THE JIHAD in al-Sham, neither stops the interests of the oppressed people; it is the type whose damage restricts only to us: no one else other than us. But if it stands in the way of Jihad, hinders the fighting in the fronts with the regime, eases the pressure upon the criminal Assad forces and allowing support convoys to reach them, cuts off aid convoys of the Mujahedeen positioned in the front lines, closes border crossings, and make things harder for Muslims, then this is an oppression that we will not allow to happen; we will not forgive those who practice it; our anger in such case will be for the sake of Allah because of the disobedience of His orders. So, no one ever shall get close of these red lines.

As for those who came to the right path after they practiced oppression, we consider them as our beloved brothers; Allah’s laws will be the judge between the litigants in the Islamic courts: for reconciliation is good as the Holy Quran says. We are just asking for our rights; we do not seek any right which is not ours. Consequently, we welcome the so-called “the Umma’s initiation” in order to stop the fighting between Muslims and to return the rights by going to Islamic courts. We stress that the mechanism of the initiation should be set now, and that the trusted leaders of all parties should give obligatory promises that all parties will abide by the decisions issued by the Islamic court which is to be formed according to the initiation. War consequences and besieges laid by the Assad regime are enough sufferance for our people, so do not make it worse on them by engaging in fights that led to arrogance, unreasonable contention, singularity and aggression: things that should end immediately after they badly affected Jihad in al-Sham and they were intensely denied by Umma’s scholars, the Mujahedeen and the civilians.

Finally, a ward to those conferring in the name of opposition in Geneva: history is made by men’s attitudes. As for those wasting their times in the markets of cheap bargaining, those who sell the blood of the martyrs and trade the sufferings of our besieged or displaced people for the purpose of getting small achievements, we remind them that they were not authorized by our people. They should fold their files and come back; for tyrants, including Bashar Al-Assad, do not understand any language other than the language of rifles and bullets!

O Allah, we pray to lift the hardship on the people of al-Sham; take down Bashar along with his assistants and allies. O Allah, protect our Jihad in al-Sham, let those who want to harm it be occupied with themselves by punishing them instead; and our final words are “[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds.”

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