
16 Temmuz 2014 Çarşamba

15 July

Daraa-Yadoudeh'te rejim bombardımanının kurbanları. / Victims of regime bombardment in Daraa-Yadoudeh


Jobar üzerindeki bombardıman sürerken mücahitler rejime ait 3 binayı daha ele geçirdi. / Ongoing shelling  on Jobar but 3 buildings were liberated and rebels are advancing towards the Abbasiyeen

Dün Qalamoun Nahle'deki çatışmalar ve kaçan Hizb. militanları. / Al Qalamon, video shows footage of the fights near Nahle in Lebanon borders, showing Halesh fleeing. Yesterday footages.


Han Şeyhun'u vuran hava bombardımanı / Airstrike on KhanSheikhun in Idlib

Mücahitler Bseida köyünde bulunan bir rejim kontrol noktasında bir Shilka'yı vurdu. / Mujahideen destroyed a shilka at a regime checkpoint in Bseeda village.


Morek'te şiddetli çatışmalar sürüyor ve bölge Qarmid kampı tarafından bombardıman altında. /In morek there is fierce clashes between mujahideen and regime forces along with fierce artillery shelling target the aera from Qarmed camp.


Mujahideen gained full control of al-Sheikh Saad town to the south of Nawa in the western countryside. Opposition forces took control of all military bases and checkpoints in the town and its surroundings including the Transportation Battalion, the Tank Battalion and the 26 Infantry Battalion of the 61 Brigade. Dozens of regime soldiers were reportedly killed and injured during the clashes while others fled the area heading to the east of Nawa. Mujahideen destroyed a regime tank in the out skirts the town using a TOW missile and blew up a military vehicle carrying regime troops in the area along with destroying a military fuel track with a Red Arrow anti-tank missile. Mujahideen seized weapons and ammunition. The only remaining areas held by Assad forces in the western countryside, after the liberation of al-Sheikh Saad, include Um Houran hill to the north of Nawa and al-Heish hill in addition to the security complex to the east of the city including the military Security Branch and other military premises.
In the meantime, Assad air force dropped barrel bombs on Tariq al-Sad, Muzayrib, Nawa, Tseil, and al-Yadodeh, while regime artillery shelled the countryside leading to several casualties among civilians.

Mücahitler Şeyh Saad'da. / Mujahideen in Sheikh Saad.

Nuhas kasabasında alınan ganimetler. / Spoils seized in Nuhas town.

Alınan bazı haberlere göre Şeyh Saad mücahitler tarafından ele geçirildi. / According to some news received Sheikh Saad is liberated.

Mücahitler tarafından başlatılan Şeyh Saad'ı ele geçirme operasyonundan görüntüler. Şeyh Saad 61.Alayın önünde kalan son engel. Burada 61.Alayı da koruyan askeri noktalar var. / Mujahideen started an operation to liberate Sheikh Saad. Footages from the battle to liberate Sheikh Saad.

Mücahitler Şeyh Saad civarındaki 4 askeri noktayı ele geçirdi. / Mujahideen captured 4 military points in vicinity of Sheikh Saad.

61.Alay yakınındaki 26.Piyade Taburundan görüntüler. / 1st video of the liberation of the infantry batallion 26 that follows the Divison 61

26.Piyade taburunda ele geçirilen ganimetler. / Missiles MD and arms seized in the infantry  batallion 26 close to Sheikh Saad  

Mücahitler tarafından vurulan rejim tankları. / Regime tanks hit by mujahideen

Rejim askerlerine ait cesetler. / Bodies of regime soldiers

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