
26 Eylül 2014 Cuma

26 Sep

Uluslararası Koalisyonun yaptığı saldırıların %80'i Suud ve BAE uçakları tarafından yapılıyor.
80% of the targets against Daesh were carried by KSA and UAE warjets.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OUs1ykuo28  Taftanaz
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlblncE-nfg  Tal Manas
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adA0gtRyXGA  Sarmeen
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhKeITn9s4w  Jebeli Zawiye
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJse99AlewA  Han Safra
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6oh8Ke5nmo Andan

Lübnan ordusu savunmasız Suriyeli mültecilere karşı suç işlemeye devam ediyor. Dün Lübnan ordusu Arsal'da mülteci kampına girdi. 400 kadar erkek mülteci ailelerinin gözü önünde aşağılandı, gözleri, elleri bağlanarak dövüldü. En az 2 mülteci şehit. Lübnan rejim askerleri ayrıca mültecilerin çadırlarını ateşe vererek aileleri sokağa terk etti. /
Lebanese Army Commits New Crimes against Defenseless Syrian Refugees – 25/9/2014
More than 400 Syrian refugees arrested/ tortured – At least 2 refugees martyred
[News in this report will be updated as soon as activists report to us.]
Lebanese Army invaded several camps in Ersal in Lebanon at 5:00 a.m. in the early morning. The camps invaded include Al Sanabel and War’a Al Jafr where most of the male Syrian refugees were arrested by the army as they set fire to many tents – which are the only shelter for the devastated Syrian refugees – burning them down to ashes and leaving the women and children to the streets. Several individual incidents of arson by the Lebanese army targeted Ra’s Al Sarj and Abu Taqeyye camps.
Collectively, up to 448 Syrian refugees – male refugees’ ages ranging from minors to elderly – were arrested and severely beat up and tortured. The Lebanese army “stacked” the Syrian refugees near their armoured vehicles, blindfolded, handcuffed, and humiliated them in front of their families. Smoke from the burnt tents led to several cases of suffocation amongst the women, children, and elderly.

Dövülen ve işkence gören mültecilerin fotoğrafları. / Photos of the refugees who were beaten and tortured.

Yakılan kamp ve çadırlar. / Burned camps and tents.


Alınan bir habere göre Qalamoun'da mücahitlerce düzenlenen bir istişhadi saldırıda 70 civarı Hizb. ve rejim askeri öldürüldü. / According to some news in al Qalamon, earlier mujahideen launched 2 martyrdom attacks on regime and Halesh spots, killing more than 70 of Halesh militia and regime forces , destroying 4 cars 4×4
(more details will emerge later). There is a picture of the explosion but won’t be published until confirmed clearly.

Adra Ummaliya'da süren çatışmalarda 86 rejim askeri öldürüldü, esir alınan subay(lar) var ve rejim klorin gazlı kimyasal saldırı düzenledi. / 86 killed in Adra AL Ummaliya – Orient TV – Officer prisonner and regime attacked with chlorine gas.


Orient TV'nin raporuna göre mücahitler uluslarası otoyola erişimi sağlayan Madajen kontrol noktasını ele geçirdi. / Hama Rif, Orient TV report – rebels take AL Madajen barrier which gives access to Rebels to the int’l highway.


İslami Cepheye bağlı mücahitler Eski Halep'te rejime ait bir operasyon odasını vurdu. / Mujahideen destroyed the regime operaiton room in the old city.


Koalisyon uçakları bir hava saldırısı düzenledi. / Coalition warjets conducted an aerial attack. 


Koalisyon uçakları Mayadeen'de 4 hava saldırısı düzenledi. / Coalition warjets carried out 4 aerial attacks on Mayadeen.


Rastan'ı vuran bombardıman ve sonrası. / Barrel bombing that hit Rastan and aftermath.

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