
20 Aralık 2013 Cuma

20 December

  • ALLAHU EKBER! ALLAHU EKBER! Halep: Mücahitler Kindi HAstanesini ele geçirdi. Aralarında bir yarbayın da bulunduğu 14 rejim askeri sağ ele geçirildi. 35'ten fazla rejim askeri öldürüldü. Detaylı haberler ve videolar gelecek. / Mujahideen liberated Kindi Hospital. 14 regime soldiers captured including a lieutenant colonel and more than 35 are killed. Detailed news and videos will be shared here soon.

Kindi'nin ele geçirilen komutanı Tark el Shami / Captured commander of Kindi. Tareq al Shami.

40 dk.lık uzun video / A 40 mins. video of clashes

İstişhad operasyonundan sonra mücahitlerin hastaneye ilk sızması / First sneaking of mujahideen to hospital after the martyrdom attack

Kamyona monteli top / A truck mounted cannon

Zaferde çok önemli paya sahip olan dünkü istişhadi operasyon / Yesterday's martyrdom attack which has very important share in victory

İstişhad saldırısı sonrası dumanlar / Billowing dust and smoke after the martyrdom attack

Ele geçirilen rejim askerleri / Captured regime soldiers

Ele geçtikten sonraki hali / Scenes after liberation

Zaferin ilk dakikaları / First moments of liberation

Bir mücahitle yapılan röportaj / An interview with a mujahid

Son çatışmalar / Last clashes

Rejimin yaralıları / Injured from regime side

  • Deyr ez Zour: Bölgede rejim güçlerinin Afgan tipi giysi temin ettiği ve görünüşlerini  mücahitlere benzetmek için sakal bıraktığı iddia ediliyor. Yöre halkı mücahitlerin sivilleri öldürdüğü imajını oluşturmak için rejimin böylesi bir taktiğe yöneldiğine dair uyarıldı.          /     Reports from Deir Ezzor state that regime forces have requested from tailors in the areas controlled by the regime to start tailoring uniforms that look like Afghani Mujahideen uniforms. Eyewitnesses from within the areas under the regime’s control report that a pickup truck with a mounted machine gun carrying soldiers with long beards wearing Afghani uniforms was seen exiting the military security branch yesterday afternoon (Wednesday 18th Dec 2013). The soldiers are thought to be from the National Defence Force which is a Syrian military group that is controlled by the Syrian government. Activists are saying that the regime has started spreading rumours in the Villat district, Qusur and Joura areas which are under the regime’s control that the rebels are preparing to break into those areas to slaughter all the adults and children on the pretext that they are “infidels.” Activists in Deir Ezzor are warning that the rumours are a pretext for the regime to commit massacres in the areas it controls before withdrawing and making it look like rebels and especially Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS are the ones who carried out the attacks. Activists in Deir Ezzor relay a message from the Mujahideen affirming that all the people in the areas under the regime’s control are their families and that their mission is merely limited to eliminating regime soldiers and shabiha.

  • Halep: Muhalif güçlerin 80.Alay civarında birçok mevziyi ele geçirdiğine dair haberler bar. / There is news stating that opposition forces liberated many areas in vicinity of 80.Regiment.

  • Halep: Kindi Hastanesi kompleksine yapılan bir istişhadi saldırı sonrası yükselen dumanlar. / Smoke billowing after a martyrdom attack in Kindi Hospital Complex.

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