
6 Eylül 2013 Cuma

Regime Version of Chemical Attacks

Her Highness Dr. Buthaina Sha’aban – Advisor to President Bashar al Assad has given her account of the recent events in Syria in a televised interview with Sky News and in-particualrly the chemical weapons attack in the Ghouta areas of Damascus on the 21st of August with the following:
“On the 21st of August I’ll tell you what the Syrian people say, They have kidnapped Children and men from the villages of Lattakia and brought them here, put them in one place and used chemical weapons against them, thats the story that these villagers in these villages know”
Obviously Dr. Sha’aban is indicating to the opposition as being the kidnappers and that they managed to bring the victims of the attack (1400 men, women & children) from Lattakia to Damascus (450km away) through several hundred regime checkpoints then took them into an area named Ghouta which is totally under siege by government forces and gathered them in one place and bombed them with chemical weapons.

Part of this interview from a pro regime youtube account

So Dr. Buthaina is enlightening us that not only did the opposition commit the chemical attack but in fact that those victims that millions of people across the world saw video footage of were actually regime supporters (I’m guessing that the rebels then evacuated all the families that oppose the regime so that they were not also harmed). Of course she based her findings on accounts by the villagers of Lattakia who were fortunately not kidnapped, I’m guessing that these villagers are telepathic and were able to receive brain signals from their kidnapped loved ones that carried this very vital information. We thank you Dr. Buthaina for your determination to find out the truth and the efforts you have provided to do so. Anyway, she then goes on to say the following:
“The west say it is believed that the syrian government used chemical weapons, why don’t you wait for the specific scientific results of a neutral UN committee that is investigating, why don’t they wait? I want an answer to this question.”
Let me try and answer you on this your highness: “your highness you have already pointed out to us your very convincing story and that your telepathic villager family, oops sorry I mean countrymen confirmed that these chemical weapons were in fact used but not by the government but by the rebels, on Lattakia villagers in Damascus, so you see your highness we have consensus in terms of whether these weapons were used or not and we thank you for your findings again. So your Highness this makes the inspection irrelevant as the UN (the neutral committee you mentioned) have clearly stated that the inspection’s outcome would only confirm whether or not chemical weapons were actually used and not who the perpetrators were. I just wanted to point that out to you your highness as to not waste anytime as I’m sure we both are worried about the safety of the civilians in Ghouta and wish to guarantee them safety ASAP
I would like to congratulate you Dr. Buthaina that you have managed to stand strong for the past two and a half years and especially for maintaining your special & unique narratives: I remember clearly when it was you that responded to the Daraa events on the 24th of March 2011 where you explained in a press conference that you yourself witnessed his highness Bashar al Assad giving strict orders that not one bullet should be fired at civilians even if the soldiers and police are killed by those civilians, of course I was disgusted from those journalists that later confronted you with the fact that the army had been sent to Daraa along with heavy artillery and tanks, but applauded your explanation that it was in fact civilians of the opposition killing other civilians also in the opposition and then blaming it on regime forces and how important it was to send the army there to stop them from eating each other. I salute you Dr. Buthaina Sha’abaan and I can’t wait until you make your next appearance appearance, please continue sending me links!

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